What is Phase 1 Orthodontic Treatment?

What if your child’s smile could unlock a world of confidence and health starting today? Dr. Fayth Johnston at Johnston Orthodontics is your ally, harnessing Phase 1 Orthodontic Treatment as their tool of choice. Intrigued to learn how Phase 1 Treatment might be the secret ingredient to a vibrant smile? Let’s dive deeper into its impact and benefits.

What is Phase 1 Orthodontic Treatment?

Phase 1 Orthodontic Treatment, often referred to as early intervention orthodontics focuses on correcting bite problems and jaw discrepancies while a child is still growing. This proactive approach aims not just to straighten teeth but to set the stage for a healthier oral environment and to facilitate the proper development of adult teeth. The ideal age to begin Phase 1 treatment usually falls between 6 to 9 years old, a critical period when children have a mix of baby and adult teeth. Starting treatment during this growth phase allows orthodontists to address structural issues more effectively, leveraging the natural growth patterns to achieve optimal results.

With a clearer understanding of Phase 1 treatment, let’s explore who really needs it and the signs parents should watch for.

Who Needs Phase 1 Treatment?

Phase 1 Treatment targets children with specific orthodontic conditions early in their development. At Johnston Orthodontics, Dr. Johnston evaluates young patients for signs that may indicate the need for this early intervention. Conditions and signs include:

  • Overcrowding: This occurs when there’s not enough room in the jaw for all of the permanent teeth to come in properly, leading to crooked or overlapping teeth.
  • Crossbites: A condition where the upper and lower teeth don’t meet correctly. It can cause uneven wear on the teeth and may lead to jaw growth problems.
  • Overbites and Underbites: Overbites involve the upper teeth extending too far beyond the lower teeth, while underbites occur when lower teeth protrude past the upper teeth. Both can affect eating and speaking.


Signs suggesting a child might need early intervention:

  • Difficulty chewing or biting: Struggles during meals can indicate misalignment.
  • Frequent mouth breathing: Consistently breathing through the mouth instead of the nose can signal potential orthodontic issues.
  • Speech challenges: Difficulty pronouncing certain sounds may be related to the positioning of teeth or jaw structure.
  • Noticeable imbalance in jaw size: A significant difference in the upper and lower jaw sizes can indicate a developing bite problem.

Identifying these conditions early can significantly ease future orthodontic procedures and foster better oral health. With a grasp on who might need Phase 1 Treatment, let’s now uncover the benefits it brings to pave the way for a healthier smile.

Benefits of Phase 1 Treatment

Engaging in Phase 1 Treatment at Johnston Orthodontics offers a plethora of advantages for young patients, ensuring a smoother orthodontic journey ahead. Dr. Johnston emphasizes the long-term benefits, such as:

  • Preventing More Severe Orthodontic Issues: Early treatment can address problems before they escalate, reducing the complexity of future orthodontic needs.
  • Reducing the Need for Tooth Extractions or Surgery: By managing space in the mouth early on, there’s often less need to remove teeth or engage in surgical interventions later.
  • Promoting Better Oral Hygiene: Properly aligned teeth are easier to clean, decreasing the risk of decay and gum disease.

These benefits highlight how Phase 1 Treatment not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of a smile but also contributes significantly to oral health, laying a strong foundation for future development. Next, let’s look into what the Phase 1 treatment process involves at Johnston Orthodontics.

What is Phase 1 Orthodontic Treatment?

The Phase 1 Treatment Process

Initiating Phase 1 Treatment at Johnston Orthodontics includes several crucial steps, each carefully customized to meet the unique needs of every young patient. Dr. Johnston follows a thorough process:

  • Initial Consultation and Evaluation: This first step involves a comprehensive assessment of the child’s oral health, including x-rays and digital scans, to identify specific orthodontic needs.
  • Custom Treatment Planning: Based on the evaluation, a personalized treatment plan is developed, outlining the use of specific appliances (like expanders, braces, or space maintainers) to address the identified issues.
  • Duration of Phase 1 Treatment: The treatment typically spans 6 to 18 months, depending on the complexity of the case and the objectives of the treatment.
  • Expectations: Throughout the process, parents and patients are guided on what to expect, how to care for appliances, and ways to optimize treatment outcomes.

As Phase 1 Treatment wraps up, it’s vital to understand the next steps in maintaining and building upon the progress achieved.

After Phase 1 Treatment: What’s Next?

Following the completion of Phase 1 Treatment, the journey towards optimal oral health and alignment is far from over. At Johnston Orthodontics, Dr. Johnston continues to support and guide her patients through the next phases of growth and treatment.

  • Monitoring Growth and Development: Post-Phase 1, regular check-ups are crucial. These appointments allow the doctors to monitor the child’s dental development and ensure the early treatment benefits are retained.
  • Transitioning to Phase 2 Treatment: Not every child will need Phase 2 treatment, but for those who do, timing is key. Dr. Johnston will look for specific indicators, such as the eruption of permanent teeth and jaw development, to determine the best moment to begin.
  • Maintaining Oral Health Between Phases: Continuing good oral hygiene practices between phases is essential. This includes regular brushing, flossing, and visits to the dentist to keep the teeth and gums healthy and ready for any future orthodontic work.

Armed with this knowledge, let’s wrap up and look at how Johnston Orthodontics can be your partner in this orthodontic adventure.

What is Phase 1 Orthodontic Treatment?

Smiles in Phase – A Brighter Tomorrow

As we close this chapter on Phase 1 Orthodontic Treatment, remember the journey with Johnston Orthodontics is just beginning. Dr. Johnston is ready to guide your child to a future filled with confident, healthy smiles. Schedule your consultation with our Baytown office today and step into a brighter smile story!